Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sitting on the porch, drinking Nick's last beer, and freezing my fingers off!

Recently I have been told that its just impossible for someone to be as sweet as I seem to be. And the truth is, I'm actually not! I am actually not at all just sweetness and niceness. I sometimes wake up really grumpy (ask Jessy who got shushed by the grumpy me). And even though it might seem like a good thing to just be sweet and never mean, its actually kinda a sickening thought that someone might never have a bad moment. And I know that I am super good at hiding my flaws and plastering a smile on my face like everything is right in the world. But here is the truth: I can be a regular infuriating girl that you might want to light on fire sometimes... Seriously.

So, as evidence of this claim, here are my particular flaws:

-When I am focused, I am absolutely unable to deal with interruptions unless its someone I like. I almost WILL the person to go away.

-Sometimes I don't answer the phone on purpose. I see who's calling and just ignore it. I don't press the ignore button though because I am smart enough to know you can tell when you've been sent to voice mail. I just let you think that I missed the call

-I talk too much. I could talk the paint off a wall. And other times I don't talk enough. I turn silent because I am lost in my own thoughts.

-When something bad happens, I automatically say bad words, repeatidly. It's usually a long string of s**t. If there are other people around, it's usually in my head, but if I'm alone, I just say it outloud.

-I am an aggressive and bad driver. I have cut people off, ran red lights, speed like I have somewhere important to be. I sit behind slow people and fume that they can't go any faster.

-Before I knew my neighbor, I would put my high heels on and stomp on the floor on purpose when he had friends over and they were louder than I wanted them to be. I've never actually admitted to this until now.

-I think about all the wrong things at all the wrong moments. I can't hear people say certain everyday words without automatically thinking of the naughty meaning.

-I think Angelia Jolie is absolutely unattractive and I think Brad is nutso.

-I cry too much for any reason that seems remotely reasonable to cry. I cry when it's the day before my period, I cry when I haven't had enough sleep, I cry when I haven't had enough to eat.

-I drink out of the cartoon. ALL of them. I don't buy milk, but everything else in my fridge that is a drink, I drink it straight from the container. The juice, the wine, the tonic. Whatever's in my fridge, I've drank from it. (sorry if I just grossed you all out)

-I am horrible about returning books I've borrowed. I still have library books from I don't know when. Come to think of it, I am horrible at returning anything I have borrowed

-I use other people's shampoo when I use their shower.

-I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle just because I can and its mine and no one is here to fuss with me about how I squeeze my toothpaste.

-It takes me about a week to wash wine glasses

-My closet is a disaster. I do the laundry, fold it all up neatly, and never get around to putting it all away. So the dirty laundry and the clean laundry end up getting all mixed up.

That's all I can think of or admit to right now