Monday, November 3, 2008

Dr. Jekyll

I can hear a few things from the chair at my computer: traffic zooming down Briarcliff rd, the hum of the fridge, my downstairs neighbor's ceiling fan (it's less than 50 out!), a bus, and the sweet cry of a kitty. It makes me wonder if it's Dr. Jekyll down there. I go look, but I don't see him, so it must be another kitty. But secretly I was hoping it might be Dr. Jekyll so I could go down for a visit.
Dr. Jekyll is a kitty the lives somewhere near my apartment. He has a collar and looks pretty clean and healthy, so I think he belongs to someone. Dr. Jekyll is solid gray and definitely not shy. He walks right up to you meowing the whole way. He definitely wants your undivided attention. He doesn't have a tag on his collar; I gave him the name Dr. Jekyll. You see, he has this crazy habit of crying for attention and acting sweet, but once you start giving him some affection he starts to eat your hand. And these aren't just little love bites, they are big monster love chomps, including menacing swats from his front claws. I can't figure out why he goes a little mean when you start to pet him, but when you start to walk away, he follows you for more attention!
Part of me thinks that Dr. Jekyll isn't getting enough attention at home (that would be the teacher in me!) and another part of me wonders if he was feral once, and just never got totally domestic. But, regardless, although it took a few careful and tentative pets from me, I learned the art of giving Dr. Jekyll some affection without getting my hand eaten or sliced and diced. When he lays down, you gotta be careful, that's when he's ready to swat. But if he's standing and circling, petting is definitely what he wants. He's such a peculiar little guy, but I think he recognizes me, and I enjoy our little encounters. I don't have a pet of my own, so these little interactions make me feel like Dr. Jekyll is a little bit mine too even if he is a little crazy.
Sometimes I don't see Dr. Jekyll for awhile, and I wonder where he goes when I finally get back to wherever I was going when we bumped into each other. But it's certain that if I even hear a kitty meowing outside, I always check to see if it's Dr. Jekyll coming by to say. "hi!" And it kinda makes my heart smile whenever I it is him dropping by. I can handle that kinda of crazy :)

1 comment:

gice said...

that was absolutely adorable. you need to write a children's book. dr. jekyll reminds me of Gabriel - the kitten I rescued on the night he was born after his mom rejected him. he did the exact same thing. the doctor said it was because he didn't get his momma's milk, he had some brain damage. he also had narcolepsy - he'd fall dead asleep with his head in his bowl of milk or food while he was eating! and he would also eat your hand off if you pet him. i love cats!